Simeon Spencer features in Law Society Gazette client care roundtable

Simeon Spencer
9 November 2021

Co-founder Simeon Spencer has been featured in the Law Society Gazette in the write up of a recent roundtable on client care.

With a number of high-profile law firms present, the roundtable considered how firms have adapted to manage and regulate client care during the pandemic.

Sim’s strategy is to embed a direct approach, starting with guidance to his trainees: ‘I say to them, “Look, no matter the client, there are two things that have a reciprocal relationship. One is trust, to be instilled in one’s client all the time, and the other is integrity, to be maintained by the lawyer at all times.”’

Sim is also quoted on collaboration, and his predictions about client service in the future: ‘I’m always at pains to make sure people in my firm understand that technology is a tool and it always will be a tool. It doesn’t replace our professionalism. There’s a symbiotic relationship between technology and professionalism.’

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Simeon Spencer
Senior Partner – Co-Founder
Simeon Spencer is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. He specialises in commercial, corporate, employment (domestic and international), disputes and litigation.