Jazmine Stevenson (née Bernard)

My UK Legal experience combined with my UAE legal knowledge enables me to provide clients with the best advice on a cross-jurisdictional level. Throughout my experience at Kashwani Law firm, Dubai, I have come across many clients that require cross-jurisdictional legal advice. The affiliation with Spencer West enables us to combine our expertise, so that we can assist our clients not only at local level, but also at a global level which is truly inspiring and really beneficial for our current and future clients.

Jazmine is an English law qualified, graduating from Swansea University with a Law Degree (LLB with Honors, she has over 11 years’ legal experience. After relocating to the UAE she has been able to combine her UK legal experience with assistance in respect of local UAE laws to ensure that clients can be advised on a cross-jurisdictional level.

Jazmine is able to provide legal advice including corporate & commercial and ex-patriate legal advice in the UAE. Jazmine works with businesses on company start-ups in the UAE and business development strategies for a number of clients based in Dubai and has a vast knowledge of legal procedures in the UAE and around business expansion. Jazmine is able to draw on her legal knowledge combined with technology and expertise across the firm to provide development support and assist clients across a wide range requirements.

Jazmine has worked with a number of companies based in the Middle East focusing on company startup, franchise incorporation with many international clients, leading to full company start up, UAE relocation and business strategy and expansion. She also has vast experience of the DIFC courts and UAE local courts. Jazmine is able to combine her local and international knowledge to advise clients based in the Middle East.