Edmund Probert comments on IT Pro story about Europol’s unlawful data storage

Edmund Probert
12 January 2022

Leading technology news site IT Pro has covered a story about crime fighting agency Europol being accused of unlawfully storing large amounts of data on people with no established links to criminal activity.

Following a year-long inquiry, the European Data Protection Supervisor has ordered Europol to delete the data.

Edmund Probert, our Commercial, IT Contracts and Intellectual Property Partner comments on the news saying:

“This is a great example of the central dilemma of an open society – the need for privacy versus the need for security. Clearly Europol, with which the UK has a co-operation agreement, has been trying to hold data for far too long in the view of the European Data Protection Supervisor.”

Read the article.

Edmund Probert
Partner – Commercial Law, IT Contracts & Intellectual Property
Edmund Probert is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. He specialises in Commercial Law, IT Contracts, Intellectual Property, Outsourcing and technology contracts.