Fudia Smartt comments on LGBTQ+ workplace discrimination

Fudia Smartt
29 June 2022

Even with improvements towards acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community, there are still continued reports of workplace discrimination.

Fintech Global discusses if more regulation is needed to ensure LGBTQ+ workplace equality.

Spencer West Employment Partner Fudia Smartt contributes to the discussion.

Fudia states “Although regulation does have a part to play in ensuring workplace equality, an important first step is to embed a workplace culture that allows people to be authentic at work, no matter what their gender identity or sexuality.”

Adding to her statement, she further explains “In many cases, this will require more training and raising awareness. It is also vital that any poor behaviour, or inappropriate language disguised as ‘banter’, is dealt with promptly.”

Read the article here.

Fudia Smartt
Partner – Employment
Fudia Smartt is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She specialises in all employment law both domestic and international, disputes and litigation.