Amanda Lennon comments on handling difficult employee behaviour in Business Leader

Amanda Lennon
1 August 2023

Handling difficult behaviour from employees calls for a compassionate and skilled approach from managers and leaders.

Our Employment Law Partner and HR and Wellbeing Director, Amanda Lennon, contributed to the expert comments in a recent article in Business Leader magazine. The article focuses on how leaders can effectively turn these difficult co-workers into valuable members of a team.

Commenting on her approach to dealing with this difficult situation, Amanda said: “Treat employees like humans and grown-ups – put yourself in their shoes. Only then will you understand why they are coming across as difficult, what they are worried about and whether you could do anything to improve their experience at work for them,”.

Read more in the Business Leader article here.

Amanda Lennon
Partner - Employment
Amanda Lennon is a Partner at Spencer West, specialising in all aspects of employment law.