Amanda Lennon quoted in the Daily Express – details of the fifth SEISS grant for the self-employed

Amanda Lennon
17 May 2021
Our Employment Law Partner Amanda Lennon has been quoted in the Daily Express in a piece explaining the details of the fifth SEISS grant for the self-employed.
Amanda outlines what will happen for individuals depending on how much loss they have incurred, saying “The fifth SEISS grant will cover the period from May to September and I expect the full guidelines to be published by the Government imminently. If you have seen your turnover/sales reduce by 30 percent or more the grant will be for 80 percent of your average monthly trading profits, capped at £7,500. If your losses are less than 30 percent, the grant will be worth 30 percent of three months’ average trading profits, capped at £2,850.”
Amanda Lennon
Partner - Employment
Amanda Lennon is a Partner at Spencer West, specialising in all aspects of employment law.