Companies need effective leadership around vision and values, writes Amanda Lennon in The Times

Amanda Lennon
28 June 2021

We’re delighted that Employment Law Partner Amanda Lennon has been featured with a Comment piece in The Times, discussing the fine issued to Ikea France for spying on its employees.

Amanda notes that while the retail giant’s senior management narrowly escaped jail for these actions, the decision emerged in the same week that Ikea pulled its advertising from GB News because the channel was not in line with its “humanistic values”. 

“This case shows how crucial it is for companies — and particularly international businesses — to ensure that culture and values are recognised, accepted and embedded widely and that decisive action is taken to address breaches,” notes Amanda.

Read the article (subscription required)

Amanda Lennon
Partner - Employment
Amanda Lennon is a Partner at Spencer West, specialising in all aspects of employment law.