Lessons from Matt Hancock for employers – Amanda Lennon explains a key takeaway in HR Grapevine

Amanda Lennon
5 July 2021

Employment Partner Amanda Lennon has been featured in leading industry trade publication, HR Grapevine, discussing lessons for employers and HR departments from the Matt Hancock situation.

The piece looks at a range of issues, from hiring from an old boy’s network and breach of social distancing, to using private emails for work and non-work related activities on company time.

Amanda notes that if an individual is using work time to do non-work activity, remedial action is usually appropriate, saying “If this situation arises, the employer’s course of action will depend on how much time the non-work-related activity is taking and if it is interfering with the employee’s job and performance. If there are issues there is clearly an option for an employer to discuss the matter with the employee and if necessary take remedial action, including disciplinary proceedings if appropriate.”

Read the article

Amanda Lennon
Partner - Employment
Amanda Lennon is a Partner at Spencer West, specialising in all aspects of employment law.