Management Today features Amanda Lennon on sick leave

Amanda Lennon
22 October 2021

Our Employment Partner Amanda Lennon has been featured in an article in Management Today discussing sick leave and working from home.

The article considers whether managers should ask staff to rest when they are ill, rather than logging in from home.

Providing the legal viewpoint, Amanda says: “An employee will either be genuinely sick and not be well enough to do the job they’re paid to do, or fit to work. It shouldn’t make a difference if the employee works from home. Employers shouldn’t assume that being at home means a sick employee remains able to work. In fact, my experience is that home workers are more likely to carry on working when they’re unwell instead of taking sick leave. Managers should be alive to this and make sure they know their teams well, so that they can provide the appropriate support from a wellbeing perspective.”

Read the article

Amanda Lennon
Partner - Employment
Amanda Lennon is a Partner at Spencer West, specialising in all aspects of employment law.