Redeploying older workers – legal issues to consider

Amanda Lennon
13 May 2022

Many older workers are remaining in the workplace for longer and employers are keen to retain their skills and experience, particularly in light of the skills shortages many industries are experiencing.

Some employees may wish to change their roles as they get older. They may take on caring responsibilities which require more flexibility, or they may simply want more time to enjoy life outside work. For others health issues may crop up that require adjustments at work.

Working Wise discusses the issues, and our employment partner Amanda Lennon contributed, emphasising that employers must consider the legal issues around redeploying older workers, to avoid discrimination claims.

Amanda points out that unless an employee requests a job change, employers should only redeploy someone if there is a medical or physical reason why they can’t do their current job.

Amanda says: “This should be handled sensitively and follow any procedure laid down in the employer’s capability policy.”

Read the article.

Amanda Lennon
Partner - Employment
Amanda Lennon is a Partner at Spencer West, specialising in all aspects of employment law.