Update from Amanda Lennon on SEISS grants in the Express

Amanda Lennon
5 July 2021

Featured in the Express, Employment Partner Amanda Lennon looks at updates to the government’s SEISS scheme for the self-employed.

Amanda explains that the amount offered by SEISS grant five is drastically different from previous grants under the scheme, saying: “Like grant four, SEISS grant five takes account of profit figures from 2019/20 tax returns. However, these need to have been submitted by midnight on March 2, 2021. The earlier SEISS grants did not take account of 2019/20 trading figures, so many freelancers and self-employed people who set up business in 2019/20 missed out. However, grant five differs from grant four, as it also includes options for turnover/sales reducing by more or less than 30 percent.”

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Amanda Lennon
Partner - Employment
Amanda Lennon is a Partner at Spencer West, specialising in all aspects of employment law.