Emma Gross comments on HR and legal implications of career breaks

Emma Gross
21 February 2022

Career breaks are in the news after Jo Whitfield, the CEO of Co-op Food confirmed she was taking a career break this year to support her teenage children during their exams.

HR Grapevine covered the story, and Emma Gross, Employment Partner with Spencer West shared her thoughts.

Emma discussed some of the areas employers and HR teams need to consider, saying: “It will be vital for HR and Employers to put into place a comprehensive policy, a detailed sabbatical agreement and to keep records of any and all communications regarding the details of the leave. It may be necessary to introduce new systems and record-keeping practices in order to keep employee data accurate.”

Emma concludes with her thoughts on what it means for such a high profile leader to take a career break for family reasons: “This is incredibly positive and is in line with the public and government moves towards a desire for more flexible working and attaining the work-life balance.”

The article is available for HR Grapevine subscribers to read here

Emma Gross
Partner – Employment, Data Protection
Emma Gross is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She specialises in Complex employment tribunal cases, data protection and the GDPR, negotiating settlements and advising on fair and reasonable redundancy procedures.